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The Street Index for the Borough of Oldham

This lists in alphabetical order the names of streets known to Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council.

The columns of the list shows, from the left, the street reference number, the street name, the area, and the Ordnance Survey map sheet within which at least some part of the street lies, the adoption status of the street and, occasionally, some other information to assist with locating the street.

The key to the highway adoption status is shown as follows:

Adopted means that the street is adopted by the Council for maintenance at the public expense. These are marked ‘A’.

Unadopted means that the street is not accepted for maintenance at public expense. 

Maintenance is the responsibility of the Street Managers (often the owners of adjacent land) and the Council will not usually know who these are. These are marked ‘U’.

Part Adopted means that part of the length of the street is adopted and part is not. These are marked ‘P’.

Section 38, Highways Act 1980, is when a third party has entered into an agreement with the Council to construct a highway, for the Council to adopt upon satisfactory completion of the works. These are marked ‘S’.

Constructed under the Housing Act, Part 5 (1957) is when a highway has been constructed under this Act and is deemed to be adopted. These are marked ‘H’.

The list includes names often used for a location within a street, for example, a major property like the Spindles Shopping Centre or a general locality like Road End in Greenfield. These are marked ‘X’. It also contains some highways which are located outside the Borough. These are marked ‘O’.

This list is believed to be correct as of 6 May 2022, but no responsibility can be accepted if the information is incorrect. Persons requiring a greater certainty should contact the Department for advice and confirmation of the status of a highway, for which a charge may be made.

Users are requested to read the terms and conditions of the licence agreement for access to national and/or authority datasets, before accessing the maps.

No information is implied about the status of any sewer under a street.

Information about the status of sewers can be obtained from United Utilities PLC:

United Utilities PLC,
Service Delivery,
PO BOX 453,
WA55 1SE
Tel. 08456 020406.

For further information please contact Alison Dolan on 0161 770 4333 or e-mail