Online payments

We are currently experiencing a problem with some online payments. We are working to get this resolved as soon as possible. For Council Tax and Business Rates payments, please visit:

Online payments

Help from your doctor

If you are worried about memory loss, it is recommended that you go to your GP as soon as possible for a check-up.

  • Your GP will ask you some questions, do a quick memory test and arrange some bloods tests. If they think you may have dementia they will refer you to the Memory Service for a specialist assessment.
  • A timely diagnosis will enable you to live well with dementia for longer. Your GP can help by helping you stay physically fit, providing you with information and helping to get a range of support for you, your family and other carers. Depending on the type of dementia you have, they may give you medication for your dementia.
  • If you have dementia, your GP should offer you a review each year. This will cover your physical health, mental health and social care needs, as well as checking your medications and making sure that your family/ carers have support if they need it. It is important to have a review each year, so do book one with your GP.

The Memory Service

  • The Memory Service offers a diagnostic service and a wide range of support for people found to have dementia and their families and carers.
  • It is run by a partnership of organisations including Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, Oldham Council, Age UK Oldham and other voluntary sector organisations.
  • If your GP is concerned that you may have dementia they will refer you to the Memory Service to have a specialist assessment. A specially trained nurse will visit you at home to find out more about you and do some tests of your memory. If this suggests you may have dementia they may arrange for you to have a scan of your brain and for you to see a specialist doctor at either the hospital or one of the Service’s clinics in a GP surgery or health centre in Oldham.

The Memory Service can offer people who are found to have dementia and their carers:

  • A Memory Liaison Practitioner – a specially trained nurse, who you can see or phone for
    information and advice and who will also offer you a check-up once a year.
  • A ten week education programme explaining what dementia is, how you can live
    well with dementia and what services there are in Oldham to help you.
  • If your memory liaison nurse thinks you need it, occupational therapy and psychology assessments and support.
  • Advice and support to help you remain independent and able to continue to enjoy your hobbies and social life.
  • A range of therapies, including reminiscent therapy, to assist with your memory issues.
  • Coming soon there will be a range of activities for people with dementia and their carers.

The memory service team is also available to help local dementia support groups and provide advice to your GP and any other health or social care staff involved with your care.

The Memory Service is based at:

The Link Centre
140 Union Street

Telephone: 0161 716 2792

Dementia Support and Specialist Carers Assessment Service (AgeUK Oldham)

Finding out that you or someone you care for has dementia can be a very anxious time.

We can help you find out about services nationally and locally that can help you;

  • One to one support for people with dementia / memory problems and their carers
  • Listen to what you have to say and help you find out about care options/services, suitable equipment and support services;
  • Advise on Lasting Power of Attorney and planning for the future; 
  • Living well and keeping active; 
  • Find local support groups; 
  • Explain the financial support available to you; 
  • Provide useful contacts and a wide range of useful local resources. 
  • Carry out carers assessments for those people caring for someone with memory problems or dementia


Dementia friendly days out

Many locations throughout the Oldham Borough offer a range of facilities and ideas to promote activity and wellbeing for those living with dementia and their carers.