TLAP is a national, cross sector leadership partnership focused on driving forward with personalisation and community based support – the process of enabling people to be in more control of the care and support services they receive. It encourages interaction between service users, carers, Councils and other groups.
Making it Real - Improving Personalisation in Oldham
We recently asked recipients of Personal Budgets in Oldham to tell us about your experience around key elements of personalisation. Through this feedback you have helped us to show how successful personalisation and community based support are in Oldham and told us your three priorities for improvement over the next six months:
- Active and supportive communities: keeping friends, family and place
- Information and advice: having the information I need, when I need it
- Risk enablement: feeling in control and safe
What happens next?
Oldham Council will now use your three priorities to improve personalisation in Oldham. These are laid out in the TLAP – ‘Making it Real’ Action Plan which we will use to encourage improvements to be made.
We will consult with recipients of Personal Budgets in six months to explore how successful we have been in improving personalisation in Oldham and to consider any new areas in need of improvement.
If you have any comments or questions about Think Local Act Personal – ‘Making it Real’ please contact:
Personalisation Service
Unit 10 Whitney Court
Hamilton Street
Tel 0161 770 1173