The Housing Delivery Test (HDT) has been introduced by the Government as a monitoring tool to demonstrate whether local areas are building enough homes to meet their housing need. The HDT measures net additional homes provided over the past three years against the homes required over the same period.

In response to Central Government's Housing Delivery Test Measurement published in January 2022 we've prepared a Housing Delivery Action Plan. This is our third Housing Delivery Action Plan and provides an update to the 2021 Action Plan.

The Action Plan sets out:

  • the root causes for housing under-delivery within Oldham (contained in Part 1);
  • how the council intends to improve delivery (contained in Part 2).

The Action Plan is intended to be a live document. It will be reviewed and updated as appropriate.

The 2021 and 2019 Housing Delivery Test Action Plan documents can be made available upon request from 

Please note that some of these documents may not be accessible for people using assistive technology. We are working to resolve this. In the meantime, if you have any problems accessing the information please email