If you attend a specialist college which is beyond reasonable daily travelling distance, you may be able to get help from the residential support scheme.

Find out more about specialist colleges and studying away from home on the Directgov website:

You can also ask your college for more information.

Statemented Special Education Needs

Parents and carers can claim reimbursement of travel expenses whilst taking children to and from school as follows:

Termly boarders

Up to 4 return journeys per term (i.e. at the beginning of term, beginning of half term, end of half term and end of term).

Parents can also claim travelling expenses for one additional parental visit in the spring and summer terms, and two visits in the autumn term.

Weekly boarders

Parents can claim for a maximum of one return journey per week.

Parents who choose a school further away from their home than another school which is considered by the Council to be appropriate to their child’s special need, will be responsible for the total transport costs.

Extra help

Your family may be eligible for extra funding for residential study. This will be determined in a needs assessment by the Social Care Team.

Support helps covers the cost of social activities and transport, or will pay the costs of journeys between home and college to maintain family relationships.