The Development Plan for an area comprises both strategic and non-strategic policies, which are in force at a particular time.
Development plans may be made up of several separate ‘Development Plan Documents’ (DPDs) or be a single, comprehensive ‘local plan’ document, but they must provide for the following:
- Strategic policies which set the priorities for an area
- Key Diagram, Policies Map and Site Allocations
- Detailed non-strategic policies
Examples of Development Plan Documents include:
- Joint Strategic Plans
- Local Plans
- Minerals and Waste Local Plans
- Neighbourhood Plans
- Other supplementary Development Plan Documents (DPDs)
Between 2004 and 2011 such plans were known as Local Development Frameworks, with strategic policies contained within a document known as the Core Strategy.
In Oldham the Development Plan comprises the following:
Joint Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document, Proposals Map, Greater Manchester Waste DPD, Greater Manchester Minerals DPD, UDP Saved Policies.
The current Joint Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) (2011) and any saved policies from the Oldham Unitary Development Plan (2006), will be replaced by a new Local Plan.