Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

2. Child protection plans

A child protection plan is for a child who is considered to have suffered (or who is at risk of suffering) significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect.

The plan is confidential - only professional people who work to safeguard children can see it. It is not available to the public.

A child protection plan is drawn up at a child protection conference.

How long is a child protection plan for?

A child will need a protection plan until a case review decides that he or she is no longer at risk, or until an appeal against a decision is successful. Otherwise the child will stop needing a plan when he or she is aged 18.

Someone to talk to

If you want more advice, or if you think a child may be being abused contact our Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team:

Monday to Friday, 8.40am - 5.00pm:

  • Phone: 0161 770 7777

Outside office hours:

  • Emergency Duty Team: 0161 770 6936
  • Police: 0161 872 5050 (999 in emergencies)
  • NSPCC free phone: 0800 800 500 (24 hours)