Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

Oldham Parent Carer Forum

Oldham Parent Carer Forum, supported by POINT, produces a weekly newsletter that contains the latest local, regional and national SEND news and updates for children, young people and families.

Oldham Safeguarding Children's Partnership (OSCP)

e-Safety newsletters with information and tips for professionals and parents on keeping children safe online.

North West SEND Regional Network

The North West SEND Regional Network reports to the North West Association of Director of Children Services (ADCS) SEND and Health Subgroup. This is an established Network of Local Authority Children's Services Leads and Health Leads who produce a monthly newsletter.

The newsletter contains useful information, resources, consultations and access to training events for SENCOs, staff, children, young people, parents and carers. 

Mahdlo News

Find out what's happening at Mahdlo and view all events.

Council for Disabled Children

Social care and SEND E-bulletins can be viewed.

Whole School SEND Member Newsletter

You can sign up to be a free member to receive the WSS newsletter.