We review and update our services regularly to make sure they meet the needs of children and young people.
To help us do this, we have a list of children and young people that includes information about how their special needs or disabilities affect their life. This gives us a wider picture of the support services we need to develop.
You can help influence how we improve services by adding your name, or your child's name, to this register.
It's entirely voluntary of course, and doesn't affect the services you get.
Is it confidential?
Yes. The information is kept securely following the rules in the Data Protection Act 1998.
General information is shared with people who plan services, but they don't know the names of the children or young people.
Personal information is limited to professionals already directly involved with your child and the register co-ordinator, and not given to anyone else without your permission.
Add your name, or your child's name
- Children’s additional needs and disability register form - online version
- Children's additional needs and disability register- downloadable (Word) version