Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

Emergency telephone numbers in Oldham

  • Social Services (out of hours): 0161 770 6936
  • Homelessness (out of hours): 0800 988 7061
  • Police General Switchboard (24 hours): 101
  • Police emergencies (24 hours): 999

Drop-in centres in Oldham

The Salvation Army

Drop-in centre for homeless people every Friday 10am - 1pm.

203 Roundthorn Road

  • Free drinks and snacks
  • Newspapers and board games
  • A listening ear and someone to talk to
  • Housing related advice
  • Accept referrals for food parcels from outside agencies

The Welcome Centre

Drop-in centre 10.30am - 12noon every day (except Tuesday and Sunday).

St Aidan & Oswald RC Church
Vaughan Street
Phone: 0161 624 1322

  • Free meals
  • Can provide clothing

Failsworth Salvation Army Community Church

Not specifically aimed at homeless people (like the one at Roundthorn Road) but anyone who would otherwise be alone.

572 Oldham Road
M35 9DQ
Phone: 0161 682 0070

  • Sometimes able to provide food parcels
  • Café on Mondays from 12noon and often provide meals free of charge to people who are in need

The Welcome Project

A destitution project every Thursday 1.00pm - 3.00pm aimed at failed asylum seekers/asylum seekers awaiting benefits.

Oldham Baptist Church
Chaucer Street
Phone: 0161 624 1214

  • Provide food parcels, bus fares, clothing and blankets
  • A place to socialise and meet others
  • Asylum seekers are required to show their paperwork

Oldham Foodbank

Emergency food for local residents in crisis.

Care professionals such as doctors, health visitors, social workers, CAB and police identify people in crisis and issue them with a foodbank voucher. 

Delivery service only, residents would need a voucher beforehand from a referrer, eg:

  • Cost of Living helpline: 0161 770 7007

Oldham Foodbank will make contact when the delivery is ready to be dispatched.

This service is open 9am - 3pm Monday - Friday.

There is no walk-up service available at the centre.

Oldham Foodbank

Unit B, Prince of Wales Ind Estate,
Vulcan Street, OL1 4ER.
Phone: 0161 622 1061

A satellite Food Bank operates on Monday,
11am - 1pm from The Salvation Army,
Shaw, OL2 8QY.

Ancora Project

The Ancora Project aims to provide immediate help and ongoing support to the people of Oldham who are experiencing crisis.

People can access support by presenting at any of the hubs in person or by contacting Ancora by email or phone and arrange a meeting.

For information on the times and locations of the Hubs, please view the latest rota:

KeyRing website

Phone: 0161 669 5868



Provide support around food aid, advice and signposting.

72 Yorkshire Street

Phone: 0161 660 6818

UKeff website

Supporting families in need, the homeless and vulnerable. Provides weekly advice, hot meals and food parcels. Monday 12 – 2pm. Also hosts the One World Café where some people pay extra so that a homeless person can have a free meal.

The Unitarian Chapel
Connaught Street (off King Street roundabout)

Hope Café

Breakfast every Saturday 10am – 2pm. Free to the Homeless or anyone struggling financially.

Elim Foursquare Church
182 Greenacres Road

Impact Community Church Foodshare Project

Provide food parcels and furniture via self-referral. Monday 9:30am-1pm.

The Old Bank
358 Manchester Road

FareShare Community Café

Provides meals and food parcels for Homeless people and those struggling financially. Every Tuesday 11am-1pm.

Chadderton Community Church
Garforth Street

East Oldham Methodist Church
28 Ripponden Road

Tuesdays 9am-10.30am

Drop-in centres in Rochdale

Petrus Day Centre

73 Great George Street
OL16 1QG
Phone: 01706 526289

Drop-in centre/signposting service for homeless and other vulnerable people.

Open 9am – 4pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (Wednesday 9am – 1pm).

  • Free breakfast from 9 - 9.30am Monday and Thursday, 9 - 9:45am Tuesday and Friday
  • Self referral
  • Support and advice available plus use of office phone
  • Laundry facilities, shower/bath, clothing vouchers and furniture vouchers available 
  • Emergency support provided (food/clothes)

Drop-in centres in and around Manchester

The Booth Centre

Drop in Monday to Thursday, 9am - 12noon.

Drop in Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 - 10am.

The Booth Centre
Manchester Cathedral
Victoria Street
M3 1SX
Phone: 0161 835 2499

  • Free hot drinks and sandwiches
  • Advice available
  • Open door policy - anyone is welcome to attend
  • The Centre’s garden is open 9 – 10am Monday to Friday

Young Person’s Support Foundation – Manchester City Centre Project

Resource centre for young people aged 16 - 25.

52 Oldham Street
M4 1LE
Phone: 0161 228 7655 or 228 7654

  • Morning drop-in Monday - Friday 10am - 12noon
  • Afternoon drop-in everyday (except Wednesday) 1.30pm - 3pm
  • Free breakfast, access to showers, essential toiletries provided

Lifeshare Weekend Breakfast Project

Breakfast Club every Saturday and Sunday from 7 – 9am 

Free cooked breakfasts and food parcels available throughout the year.

Charter Street Mission
142 Dantzic Street
M4 4DN
Phone: 0161 235 0744

Lifeshare Streetwork & Outreach Project

  • Help people sleeping rough to access emergency accommodation and link into other services
  • Support anybody at risk of homelessness or exploitation
  • Provide food parcels 

1st Floor, 27 Houldsworth Street
M1 1EB
Phone: 0161 235 0744

Manchester City Mission

Drop-in centre Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm.

Windsor Drop-In Centre
Churchill Way
M6 5BU
Phone: 0161 737 8775
Manchester City Mission website -

  • Toilets, showers, and laundry facilities
  • Access to doctor, dentist, nurse, and hairdresser can be arranged at the drop-in sessions
  • Subsidised breakfast and lunches

Cornerstone Day Centre

Drop-in 10.30am - 4pm Monday to Friday.

104 Denmark Road
M15 6JS

Phone: 0161 232 8888

  • Free tea, coffee and toast in the morning/soup and bread in the afternoon
  • Cheap meals, free showers, and clothing
  • Laundry facilities
  • Benefits and housing advice
  • Computer room/telephone
  • Vision care on Mondays -  free eye tests and prescription glasses


Food Service Daily drop-in 11.30am - 2pm.
Evening drop-in Monday to Thursday 6.30 - 8pm.

The Wellspring
Harvey Street
P.O.Box 456

Phone: 0161 477 6344 

  • Free meals and showers. Nurse drop-ins, hairdresser/barber, access to Drug and Alcohol Services
  • Benefits and housing advice

Wellspring website -

Soup runs

Soup runs take place every evening in Manchester City Centre (on Store Street, behind Piccadilly Train Station) at approximately 8pm.

Winter shelters in Manchester

The Boaz Trust

Provide winter shelters for up to 12 destitute, male asylum seekers at a variety of church locations across Manchester.  Access to shared houses.

People are taken on a ‘referral only’ basis.

First Floor, 110 Oldham Road
M4 6AG
Phone: 0161 202 1056