To find out more about Oldham’s housing offer including how to register for a house, find out what grants and loans are available, and report housing issues, see Housing.
Special support for people who have served in the armed forces
If you've served in the armed forces and need some help finding a home for you or your family the following organisations may be able to help:
Citizens Advice Bureau
Find out about the help you can get to find a home before you leave the services, and when you are a veteran:
The MOD Army
Provides subsidised accommodation for its servicemen and women.
Visit their website for details of service personnel entitlement to service accommodation and removals for personal possessions on assignment to a new area.
- Housing - MOD website
The Naval Families Federation
Provides details of service families accommodation, short term accommodation and other housing options:
- Civilian Housing - Naval Families Federation website
The Royal British Legion
Provides short and long term care for serving and ex-Service people and their dependents in Royal British Legion Care Homes around the country:
- Care homes for serving and ex-Service people - Royal British Legion website
The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA)
Offers advice and assistance to anyone eligible for their help, whether they are serving or ex-service, or a family member of someone with a service connection.
The SSAFA also provide housing and residential home facilities.
- Website: