Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

3. What can’t I spend my Direct Payment on?

You cannot use your Direct Payment to pay for:

  • Any expenditure/activity that isn’t in your support plan
  • Employing someone who lives in the same household (unless there are exceptional reasons which have been agreed)
  • Residential care or Nursing Care Services
  • Any activity that is illegal
  • Services that can be obtained free of charge (e.g. dentistry, eye care, health care)
  • Any activity that puts you or others at risk of serious harm
  • Expenditure on drugs, tobacco or alcohol
  • Clothing and jewellery
  • Food/heating/lighting/general household or living expenses
  • Rent or housing costs
  • Any form of building works
  • Aids and adaptations which should be funded from other sources
  • General Bank charges
  • Mobile phone charges
  • Payments to purchase and/or maintain ordinary household items, unless this is explicitly specified in your Support Plan, and meets an agreed need, (e.g. an individual budget would not normally be used to help someone pay to repair their central heating boiler or shower, or to buy carpets.)
  • Gifts
  • Cash Withdrawals
  • Gambling
  • Purchasing Food and Drink
  • Transport Costs.

This is not a full list. Please contact us if you are not sure what you cannot spend the money on.

You should only spend the money on what has been agreed in your support plan. If you use the money for anything else we may have to send you an invoice for the amount incorrectly used.

What happens if I no longer need services?

If for any reason you no longer need services, for example your needs change, you must let us know. We will then stop your payments and arrange a visit to complete a final audit.