If you have savings over £23,250 or have more in capital, savings, or assets, you will not qualify for support and will be classed as a self-funder.
As a self-funder, you are still entitled to apply for an assessment of your care and support needs which identify services that can help you.
We can also conduct a financial assessment to see if you are eligible for any council funded care and support services, or are likely to become eligible in future.
Charges for services
If you require non-residential care i.e. home care, you will have a choice about how you want to purchase your care and support services. You can do this yourself or you may ask the Council to arrange these services for you.
If you ask the Council to arrange your care and support services there will be an initial arrangement fee of £37 and an annual arrangement fee of £59.80 invoiced at £4.60 every 4 weeks.
The benefit of asking the Council to purchase your care for you is that we will manage the contractual arrangements with the provider on your behalf and you are able to access services at our commissioned cost. These costs may be lower than when you purchase the care directly from the provider.
If you would like further information please contact the Client Finance Team: