We manage the local childcare market to ensure there is sufficient, high quality, flexible and affordable provision to meet the needs of parents and carers with children aged up to 14 years old (or up to 18 years old for disabled children and children with additional needs).
It also provides a helpful resource for existing and potential early education and childcare providers in planning to meet the identified needs.
In order to gain a comprehensive picture of the childcare market in Oldham, the report is structured in three parts:
- An assessment of Oldham wide and ward level early education and childcare supply and demand to identify any potential gaps in childcare sufficiency. Particular consideration is given to the predicted future growth in capacity and take-up of places for funded two, three and four year olds in light of the extended entitlement for working parents
- Gap Analysis with potential gaps identified throughout the assessment
- Sufficiency Action Plan to address identified or potential gaps in early education and childcare sufficiency