Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

The agreement details the requirements and expectations that early years Providers must meet in order to be eligible to deliver free early education entitlements for two, three and four year-olds and draw down the subsequent funding.

It covers the following:

  • The 15 hour entitlement for the most disadvantaged two-year-olds
  • The 15 hour entitlement for parents of three and four-year-olds (the universal entitlement)
  • The 30 hours entitlement for working parents of three and four-year-olds (the extended entitlement)

Funding agreement documents


This form can be issued to all new parents eligible for 30 hour free childcare and sets out their responsibilities:

Other Tools and Resources to Support the new Expanded Entitlement

As part of the expansion of the new entitlements Childcare Works has been appointed to support Local Authorities and providers. 

Providers can access the Hub via:

Free Entitlement Funding rates for April 2024 – March 2025

The following table is a breakdown of the hourly rates for each of the Free Entitlements:

Type of Free Entitlement Funding Hourly Base Rate *Deprivation Supplement **EYPP Possible Maximum Hourly Rate
Under 2 Year Olds (from September 2024) £10.65 N/A 68p £11.33
2-Year-Old – Disadvantaged Families £7.89 N/A 68p £8.57
2-Year-Old – Working Families £7.60 N/A 68p £8.28
3 and 4-Year-Old £5.42 20p 68p £6.17

Additional funding supplements are designed to meet national and local objectives.

*A deprivation supplement is required by legislation to support the Government’s objectives of narrowing the gap between children from different backgrounds and eradicating child poverty.

**Low-income families who are in receipt of one or more of the benefits used to access eligibility for free school meals, children who are looked after by the LA for at least one day, adopted from care, have a special guardianship or subject to a child arrangement order are entitled to the Early Years Pupil Premium.

Guidance and legislation


Postcode deprivation checker

Provider audit

Provider portal

Timetables and calendars

User guides