Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

Don’t Trash Oldham is carrying on

Our staff are continuing to improve your neighbourhoods while at the same targeting those who are dumping waste and blighting our communities.

As part of the campaign, officers have identified 38 hotspots where more than 60 per cent of fly-tipping incidents were reported.

Of these, 29 are residential areas, which over the coming year will be the focus of intensive engagement, enforcement and interventions by officers.

Tackling incidents in the remaining nine areas will be handled by a variety of measures, including CCTV cameras and working with social landlords.

To complement the hotspot area work, our teams will operate an improvement programme, supporting communities that are looking after their neighbourhoods.

They will carry out various jobs that we know are important, such as grass cutting and hedge trimming and fence/railing painting.

We’ll look at other requests - subject to available budgets - for local improvements, including playground markings in alleys and planting greenery.

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