Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours


There are several ways that you can search online for planning applications including:

  1. By application number - please enter the six-digit number only
  2. By address
  3. By date decided or validated
  4. On a map

Search for an application

Search for a planning application on a map

What if your application isn't online yet?

It may take up to 5 working days for plans and documents associated with applications to appear online.

The Statement of Community Involvement sets out how the community are consulted on planning applications.

Comment or object to a planning application

You will need to register for an account on our planing portal before you can search for, or make a comment on, specific planning applications.  

Acknowledging your comments

You will receive an acknowledgement in response to submitting comments on-line.

If you have commented on an application (or if you were originally notified of the proposal) and a decision is to be made by the Planning Committee (rather than by the Head of Planning Services) you will be informed of the meeting date.

Speak at committee

Some planning applications are heard by the Planning Committee.


Any letters submitted are open to be viewed and copied by the applicant or other members of the public and as such cannot be treated as confidential or kept private. This is to conform with the requirements of Section 100(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.

Taking account of your views

The Council takes into account all representations it receives, but it can only make its decision on planning grounds.

By law, certain matters must be considered. This is not a definitive list but they include:

  • Local Planning Policies - the Oldham Local Plan sets out the Council's planning policies.
  • Government advice as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), National Planning Policy Guidance and regional planning guidance.
  • Comments from neighbours.
  • Comments from consultees. 

The Council can only take into account those comments that are directly relevant to the planning process such as:

  • Loss of amenity
  • Privacy
  • Outlook
  • Traffic issues
  • Noise
  • Nuisance

Matters that cannot be taken into account include:

  • Reduction in property values
  • Loss of views
  • Private rights of way
  • Ownership matters
  • Disturbance during construction

These are issues that should be pursued separately, either as a private legal matter or through other legislation.