
Love Oldham - www.facebook.com/loveoldham 
Our main Facebook page, find out about everything to do with Oldham Council here, from events around the borough to council meetings. Like this page to find out what’s happening in Oldham.

Oldham Libraries - www.facebook.com/OldhamLibraryService 
All 13 of our libraries in one place, find out what is going on and how you can be a part of your local library here.

Oldham Family Hubs - www.facebook.com/OldhamFamilyHubs
Oldham Family Hubs offers family services for all stages of childhood, from conception through to 19.

Gallery Oldham - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gallery-Oldham
Our flagship gallery with an ever-changing range of exhibitions to suit everyone.

Get Oldham Working – www.facebook.com/getoldhamworking 
Looking for a job? Want to get on an apprenticeship? Need a hand writing your CV? Speak to our Get Oldham Working team here.

Oldham Community Leisure - www.facebook.com/OCLactive 
Sports centres and other activities across the borough.

Oldham Markets - www.facebook.com/oldhammarkets
Get the latest news, events and trader offers from your local market.

Oldham Youth Council - www.facebook.com/OldhamYouthCouncil 
The democratic voice of Young People in Oldham.

The Music Service - www.facebook.com/groups/367316160019988/ 
Supporting musical aspirations of Oldham's young people.

Oldham Lifelong Learning Servicewww.facebook.com/OldhamLifelongLearning/

With Oldham Lifelong Learning Service you can take part in classes on anything from art and craft to first aid or maths.


Oldham Council - www.twitter.com/oldhamcouncil 
Our main Twitter account, follow it for all the latest information about Oldham Council.

Oldham Alert - www.twitter.com/oldhamalert 
Oldham Council's First Response team.

Go Oldham - www.twitter.com/gooldham 
From toddlers to teens Go! Oldham is the only guide you need to find fun stuff to do in Oldham.

Get Oldham Working - www.twitter.com/employoldham 
Support for residents into employment. We also offer free recruitment support for your business.

Gallery Oldham - www.twitter.com/galleryoldham 
Oldham's art gallery and museum - a place for people and ideas. Changing exhibitions of art, natural history and social history.

Oldham Community Leisure - www.twitter.com/oclactive
Fitness, sport, health and leisure services.

Oldham Markets - www.twitter.com/OldhamMarkets
Get the latest news, events and trader offers from your local market.

Oldham Libraries – www.twitter.com/OldhamLibraries
All 13 of our libraries in one place, find out what is going on and how you can be a part of your local library here.

Oldham Youth Council - www.twitter.com/oldhamyc 
The democratic voice of young people in Oldham.

The Music Service - www.twitter.com/Oldhammusic
Supporting musical aspirations of Oldham's young people.

Local Studies and Archives - www.twitter.com/oldhamarchives 
Find out about local history, your own family history and your community.

District Facebook pages

Find out what’s going on in your area with Facebook pages run by your district co-ordinators.

Failsworth and Hollinwood - Love Oldham South - Home | Facebook

Saddleworth and Lees www.facebook.com/lovesaddleworthandlees

Chadderton www.facebook.com/lovechadderton

West Oldham www.facebook.com/lovewestoldham

East Oldham www.facebook.com/loveeastoldham

Royton, Shaw and Crompton Love Royton, Shaw and Crompton - Home | Facebook

Other social media