The name of the young person has been changed to maintain confidentiality.
Mason, aged 10, was referred to the social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) service when he was permanently excluded from school.
Following protocol, the service met with him and his parent at their home to offer Day 6 provision, made an initial assessment of his learning and other unmet needs.
It became clear through assessment that Mason had complex learning and SEMH needs. After discussion with his parent, the service initiated a request for statutory assessment which led to an EHCP.
It was important to both Mason and his Mum that he:
- develops his academic and wider achievement potential in the appropriate school and setting based in the area in which he lives
- attends a local school as Mum is single parent with a chronic illness and Mason has a younger brother
- gets actively involved with activities without barriers
- remains close to his friends with whom he could socialise and be able to go where they want to and feel supported at all times
- Gets continued support of the SEMH staff
What the service has done for Mason and his family?
A multi-agency approach was put in place which included professionals from Intensive Early Help, First Choice Homes Oldham, Community Police Support, Educational Psychology and SEN. Mason and his family were then able to get help when they needed it from their family and community.
This enabled us to approach a ‘Fresh Start’ school with a clear picture of Mason’s needs, and match these to the resource available.
What has changed in their lives?
At the point of referral, Mum had reported that Mason disliked school and felt he was not able to attain well or enjoy his time in school. Mason is now a valued, happy and thriving member of his ‘Fresh Start’ school who ‘wants them to be part of their social and learning environment’.
Mason is encouraged, achieves well, and has no reported incidences of aggressive or uncooperative behaviour at the school.
Mum recently reported that Mason felt ‘welcomed and included in all his social and learning environments’. This was important in both home learning and at his ‘Fresh Start’ school.
Mason has forged a trusting relationship with SEMH staff and able to support his ‘Fresh Start’.
Next steps
In September 2019, Mason will make a successful transition alongside his friends to his local secondary school.