The Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) advises on Oldham’s agreed syllabus for Religious Education, publishes an annual report, conducts regular meetings, monitors the quality and provision of Religious Education in all maintained and voluntary controlled schools and receives complaints in relation to Religious Education and collective worship.
- SACRE’s Annual Report 2020-21
- Oldham Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)
- Religious Education Agreed Syllabus 2020–2025
- Support for RE subject leads
- Reception class lesson plans
- Year group one lesson plans
- Year group two lesson plans
- Year group three lesson plans
- Year group four lesson plans
- Year group five lesson plans
- Year group six lesson plans
SACRE is made up of four committees representing faith communities, professional associations, the Church of England, elected members of the Council and Council officers.
Collective worship
In England and Wales, the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 states that all pupils in state schools must take part in a daily act of collective worship, unless their parents request that they be excused from attending.
The majority of these acts of collective worship are required to be "wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character", with two exceptions:
- Religious schools, which should provide worship appropriate to the school's religion
- Schools where the SACRE has determined that Christian worship would not be appropriate for part or all of the school.
Apply for a determination to change collective worship arrangements
Schools can request a determination to change the arrangements for collective worship because the religious make up of the students makes it inappropriate for collective worship to be “broadly Christian”.
Please contact SACRE to apply for a determination.