My Account issues

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If you regularly find that you have too much rubbish for your grey bin, there are lots of things you can do.

Check you are putting things in the correct bin:

Here are the top things that people put in their grey bin that could actually be recycled:

  • Unopened, out-of-date food can go in your food caddy and the packaging in the right recycling bin (e.g. cans in brown bin, paper packaging in blue bin).
  • Leftover takeaway rubbish should all go into your food caddy and foil containers in the brown bin.
  • Plate leftovers and fruit or vegetable peelings can all go in your food caddy.
  • Aerosols should go in your brown bin.
  • Tin foil and foil food trays go in your brown bin.
  • Plastic bottles can all go in your brown bin.
  • Cartons e.g. juice cartons (tetra packs) are cardboard and should all go in blue bin.
  • Cardboard boxes e.g. egg boxes, cereal boxes go in your blue bin.

Consider buying things with less packaging:

If you are recycling everything and still have too much rubbish, you may be eligible to apply for an extra grey bin: